Tunisie Autoroutes


Motorway overall condition

Road overall cleanliness*

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On-the-ground signage*

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Road surface overall quality*

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Road safety

“Road work”/“Road work ahead” warning signage*

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Number of rest areas and ser vice areas*

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Safe driving reminders*

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Weather-related and traffic conditions information*

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La fluidité du trafic

Overall traffic fluidity*

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Road work area traffic fluidity*

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Toll plaza overall experience

Traffic fluidity/Wait time at tolls*

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Toll lane identification signage*

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Toll staff courtesy and professionalism*

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Motorway esthetical features

Surroundings (embankments, central dividing strip, landscape layout)*

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Quality of motorway integration into the landscape*

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Infrastructure esthetical features (overall beauty of toll plazas, of featured art works…)*

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Information and signage

Service area-related information signage*

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Social Media Information *

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Directions signage*

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Information provided on access ramps*

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Tow-truck service signage*

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Service area and other area infrastructures

Service area parking lots*

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Service/rest area overall cleanliness*

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Rest area parking lots*

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Lighting in service/rest areas*

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Rest area restrooms*

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Motorway shop services*

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Restaurants, cafeterias services*

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Store/shop restrooms *

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Gas station services*

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Tire check-up ser vices*

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Level of satisfaction

Level of satisfaction*

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General Client Information

Last name First Name*

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Email address*

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Reason for traveling on motorways *

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vehicles carry at least *

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